Monday, June 23, 2008

new plan...

so, here's the new plan - bulk posts!
this is the outfit i wore today.
and the same dress styled differently.
a stunner shade look for the brief moment of sun yesterday.
i made carol's cake for a small get-together. there are many leftovers.
this is my gardening look. i got lost on the farm only to find out that class was meeting on campus and not on the farm at all. ugh. oh well...i'll just have to come up with another gardening look.
jellie premiere!
and here is a non-cropped shot to show you what i cut out of most pictures. piles of things. and on this one occasion - amy.


Jecca Andrew said...

hey mandi! i love all these outfits!! and i love you! happy birthday, too!

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

So, is this like an old blog or something??